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First day of my cooking

I woke up really excited today. I was thrilled to prepare a new meal. This recipe I have found on the Internet and I have slightly modified it.

Breakfast muffins!

The recipe is very easy and do not need any special cooking skills.

You will need for 12 servings:


- 6 eggs

- 1 cup grated cheese (I used Gouda but you can you any cheese for example Parmesan or Cheddar)


- Use 1 to 2 Tbsp of any veggie or lean meat you love (I used pepper and ham) for example spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes...

That´s all what you will need. I like this recipe because you do not have to use many ingredients and it is very easy to prepare.

You can find instructions here where I found the recipe.

I found it as a very good idea for breakfast. It was nice change to try something new. And it tastes deliciously. My mom also tasted it. She said that it wasn´t salty. Yeah, I had expected that she would say that. I usually do not use much salt. It is recommended to use 5-6 g salt per day. And approximately 75% of our intake of salt comes from processed food like bread, cereals .....

Caprese stuffed chicken foil packs

Another recipe I prepared is Caprese stuffed chicken. You can find the recipe here.

This is also easy recipe to prepare. I have slightly modified the recipe. I did not have zucchini and yellow summer squach. Instead I used pepper and cucumber. And it was also very yummy. As a side dish I used Amaranth. I had never prepared it until today. It tasted strange but I liked it. However, I had problems to prepared it. Amaranth seeds are very tiny. I did not know how much water I should use for boiling. I was not sure if it would absorb water like bulgur or not. As usual, I added to much water. The consistence wasn´t ideal but it was digestible :D

My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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