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Just keep swimming

Swimming is one of my favourite sports to do. When you learn how to swim you will love it. The process of learning can be difficult and someone may be afraid of water. But if you overcome your fear and the difficulties your body will thank you.

I was not good swimmer at primary school at all. When we took part in competition I was usually far behind the leading group. Therefore I thought that I was not able to swim for the longer distances. Because of that I was afraid to swim in the sea to this special flags with my friends. I was convinced that I would not make it.

After I started working out regularly I gained a confidence in my skills. And for the first time I had decided to swim with my friends. Of course, I was anxious about it. I was scared that I would drown or get cramps. It also seemed to be really far. Now, I know that the distance was approximately 800 metres. When I was swimming I was constantly repeating to myself : 'YOU CAN DO IT". Despite my doubts I manged it. I was so proud to myself. Yeah, there was the swimming back to the beach in front of me. But I knew that I would make it.

Swimming has many benefits and you can read about them here. I want to point out that it is great for those who suffer from back pain or scoliosis. So if you have an opportunity to go swimming get down to it.

Sometimes you get bored and want some change. I have also got bored of swimming so I have tried to find new ways which I can don in the swimming pool. I have found few videos on youtube and created my workout routines.

I usually start with swimming 500 or 700 metres and then do pool exercises.

Here is one of the pool exercises

And because I love ab and core workout I cannot skip it even in the swimming pool.

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